

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Six Weeks With Suzi - Day 27

DAY 27

1 c Kashi Go Lean Crunch, ½ c Skim Milk

1 Boiled Egg
1 T Light Mayo
Whole Wheat Tortilla Wrap

Applebee’s Napa Chicken & Portobello (they claim is under 550 calories)

I have a confession to make about running.  My knee has been acting up and I've actually been walking more than running on the last few walk/run days.  The warning sign for me is when my knee starts "popping" with each step while running.  I've tried running slower, running faster, jogging, sprinting, but nothing seems to make a difference.  Once it starts popping, it just keeps getting worse if I keep running.  And, I've learned from experience that if I push through with the popping, it will start to hurt so bad it's hard to even walk on it.  So, I've made the decision to stop running for a while to protect the knee.  I would rather try a different workout and still be able to workout the next day and the next... 

So, today I'm going to try something different for my cardio workout.  This is probably going to totally kick my ass, but I'm going to give it a try.

Banish Fat / Boost Metabolism with Jillian

What is your favorite cardio workout?

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