

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Six Weeks With Suzi - Day 21

Almost three weeks are behind us now!  We are almost half way there!

You may have noticed that I've backed off the carbs a bit this week.  I had been trying to include one helping of a good healthy whole wheat carb with most meals, but I was actually starting to feel kind of sluggish, getting way too tired from my workouts.  And, I must admit that my energy has been better these last few days.  I think I will try increasing the protein and limit the whole wheat type carbs to one meal a day.

There are, of course, basic guidelines to what foods we should eat and what we should avoid.  A lot of it is common sense stuff we've been taught all our lives.  But, a lot of it is learning your own body. Different bodies function better on different foods.  Taking control of your food and your eating habits is the best way to figure out what your body needs.  Pay attention to how you feel after eating, look for patterns in energy, digestion and even how well, or poorly, you sleep.  What you eat, or don't eat, does affect every other part of your day.  Learn what fuel your body needs to function and perform at peak efficiency.

DAY 21

1 c Kashi Go-Lean Crunch
½ c Skim Milk

2% Greek Yogurt

12-15 med Shrimp, sautéed in Olive Oil
Sprinkle Parmesan Cheese

1 T Peanut Butter
½ c Sugar-Free Cashew Milk

Warm Up: 5 Minutes Cardio ("Jillian's Cardio" - Alternate 20 each Jumping Jacks, Jumping Rope, Butt Kicks, Squat Punches)
Abs: 20 Minute Windsor Pilates Workout
Arms & Legs: 30 Minutes Lifting with 10 lb Dumbbell Weights
Cardio Finish: 5 Minutes Burpees

What are thoughts on Protein vs Carbs?

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