

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Six Weeks With Suzi - Day 41

We are in the home stretch!  Just a couple more days of this program.  I don't know about you, but I feel great!  Maybe the weight loss hasn't been quite as dramatic as I might have hoped, but my body is definitely healthier and stronger than it was 40 days ago.  I have so much more energy!  And, this may be TMI - but if you have been following me on this journey, you have probably noticed a lot of other changes within your own body - I have not eaten one single antacid tablet in 40 days.  Prior to starting this program, I was eating TUMS at least every few days.  By taking control of my eating habits, my digestion has become much less problematic.  My food makes me feel whole and energized, not sluggish and heavy.  

Today, I'm in the mood for a smoothie.  The Belly Blaster is full of good fruits and veggies, as well as plenty of protein and fiber to keep me full for hours.  I'm actually going to split it up and make it a replacement for both breakfast and lunch.  However, I've been noticing a bit of an energy lull in the afternoon, especially on days where I don't have a big lunch, so I'm adding in a small mid-afternoon protein snack.

DAY 41

½ Belly Blaster Smoothie *

½ Belly Blaster Smoothie *

1 Boiled Egg
1 Slice Whole Wheat Bread

4 oz Roast Chicken
2 Carrots, Roasted Whole
Spinach and Pine Nuts, sautéed in Olive Oil
½ Grapefruit

(* Recipe to follow)

Walk 4 Miles w/5 lb Weights

How do you feel now that we're in the "home stretch?"

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