

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Six Weeks With Suzi (Take 2) - Week 4 Results

This past week was a bit of a departure from my "program."  I was traveling all week, which is also why I'm a day late with this weigh in.  Being on the road always makes it difficult to stay within the confines of a food and exercise plan.  While I did pretty good with my eating, I did not exercise one time all week.  And I drank alcohol several times.  The good news is that I still lost weight!  I think I have finally boosted my metabolism to the point where I am still burning fat faster.  As long as I'm still making good food choices, my body is continuing to work at peak efficiency even if I skip a few workouts.  The key word in that last sentence was "few!"...if I skip a "few" workouts... That means that today, I am back on the program - planning my meals, getting off my butt for a workout, and no booze!

Take 2 Fourth Week Weigh-In Day... Results are in... Drum Roll Please...
-3 lbs

Take 2- DAY 30
½ c Kashi Go Lean Crunch
½ c Skim Milk

Salad: Romaine, Celery, Carrots, Onion

Stir-Fry: Shrimp, Yellow Squash, Green Beans, Onions, Carrots, Banana Pepper sautéed in Olive Oil
Brown Rice cooked w/Chicken Broth

1 c Black Cherries

Walk 4 Miles w/5 lb Weights

How do you manage to fit exercise into every day?

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