

Work Out With Suzi

My normal workout schedule has me alternating aerobic cardio exercise days with strength training days.  I think sometimes people get too fixated on one or the other, but it's important to have a healthy balance of both.  Moving your body and maintaining an accelerated heart rate for an extended period 3-4 times a week is imperative to a healthy lifestyle.  The heart is our most important muscle and if we don't keep it strong and working at peak efficiency it will get us into serious trouble.

Building muscle is also a very important ingredient for staying strong and healthy into old age.  It's been shown that building muscle helps you burn more fat, and increases metabolism even more than aerobic activity.  And, a strong core can help ward off back and hip problems, improve balance and contributes to overall good health.

Try to work out every day for 60-75 minutes.  Always remember to stretch before and after any exercise.

Cardio Day

Walk 4 Miles carrying 5 lb dumbbell weights

Strength Training Day

60 Minute Total Body Strength Workout:

Intensity Warm Up & Finish
Arms & Legs - using 10 lb Dumbbell Weights


For the most part, I find that alternating these 2 exercise plans works well for me and I don't get bored.  But, occasionally it's nice to mix it up.  I think it's good mentally because it keeps things interesting so you're more likely to stick to it.  It's also good physically.  Always doing the same exercise over and over simply teaches your body to do that exercise really well.  Varying your workout from time to time will keep you more fit, stronger and healthier all over.

To mix things for myself, I like working out to exercise videos.  Sometimes they actually push me harder than I push myself...especially Jillian Michaels...she can be really mean!  I love her!
Here are some of the exercise videos that I prefer:

Jillian Michaels:

Windsor Pilates:

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