

Work Out With Suzi - Cardio Day

Walk 4 Miles carrying 5 lb Dumbbell Weights

Walking with weights is my favorite cardio exercise.  The way I do it, it's far more than just cardio... it's a total body workout.

Begin by stretching.

Start walking at a moderate pace, arms straight at sides, hold weights loosely.  Hold your head straight and high, shoulders back, tummy and tushy tight.  Keep your core engaged at all times.

After about 1/4 miles, pick up the pace.  Walk as fast as you can, without becoming so winded that you can't carry on a conversation.  But, be sure and walk fast enough to increase your heart rate.  If your breathing becomes too labored, try measured counting of your breaths, timed to your steps.

As you walk, raise your arms so that your forearms are parallel with the ground, palms holding the weights facing down.  It won't take long before you'll start to feel the burn in your arms and shoulders. Try and hold the arms in that position for one mile.

As you start the second mile, turn your hands so that the palms are facing inward, toward each other, fists gripping the weights mid-way.  Keep the forearms parallel with the ground, and begin punching forward and slightly to the side, alternating arms.  In addition to feeling the burn in arms and shoulders, you should start to feel this one in your sides (obliques.)  This one should also start to really get your heart rate up, but try and keep your pace up.

After another mile of this, start alternating bicep curls as you walk.  Then, switch to tricep pushbacks for the last mile.  You'll quickly see, and feel, how working the weights makes walking a total body workout:  legs, hips, back, arms, and even abs get in on the action.

Be sure you stay hydrated and stretch before and after any exercise.


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